Morpho SCL RDService APK (com.scl.rdservice) APP Download 8MB

Morpho SCL RDService APK (com.scl.rdservice) APP Download

Morpho SCL RDService APK
Download Morpho SCL RDService APK. Morpho SCL RDService APK download for Android free. Morpho SCL RDService APK APP install latest version full.
Used by millions of people every day, Morpho fingerprint readers offer optimal balance between security and convenience.
Recently introduced Aadhaar authentication 2.0 and eKYC 2.1 APIs require registered devices to be used unlike public devices. Registered devices are very important security upgrade to Aadhaar ecosystem to eliminate possibility of using stored biometrics.
This application is required to enable MSO1300 E, E2, E3 and CBM models to work seamlessly in registered device realm. Morpho SCL RDService APK

Note -
1) RD service is not designed to work as standalone application.It will work only with operator's application like (jio, airtel, idea, banks etc.). Please don't try to use RD service directly.
2) If smartphone is not able to detect fingerprint device then please make sure that your phone is OTG supported. If smartphone is OTG supported then make sure that you have enabled OTG option from setting. Morpho SCL RDService APK
3) Activation code or OTP will be provided by operator.
Download Morpho SCL RD Service and get started today—it’s free!

With Morpho SCL RD Service you can:
- Register MSO1300 E, E2, E3 and CBM Models
- Use MSO1300 E, E2, E3 and CBM Models in Auth2.0 and eKYC2.1

For any other technical issues or questions, contact us at

Morpho SCL RDService APK Download from the File below (File Size: 8MB)

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