Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK (com.rps.Makeand.playslime) APP Download

Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK (com.rps.Makeand.playslime) APP Download

Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK

Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK free for Android. Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK download free for Android. Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK APP install latest version full.

Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK free for Android. Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK APP install latest version full. Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK download free for Android.
For a whole new slime adventure join us on board and let’s learn how to make slime together in fun and educational, DIY games!! The game has all the make and play features which not only demonstrates you how to make slime but also teaches you how to make slime fulfilling its purposes to be part of the learning games radar!!

There are many ways to make slime and this diy games teaches you all those different methods with fun, engaging and interactive game play features!! The hand indicators will guide you through the game in order to make the most professional slime so that it becomes a great learning and education experience for you!!

The game gives you a selection to choose from, which slime you want to make and play with as a first. The first time of slime making includes the slime which only needs glue, water and starch, the second type of slime is added with shaving foam and the third type of slime is made with addition of toothpaste!!

Before you officially begin to make slime obviously download and install the game and select your scene which includes the process of making and playing. The first type of slime making includes; glue, starch, water, color and for finishing touch add some fancy glitter.

For the second type of slime making the ingredients include; glue, shaving foam, starch, color and water!! Lastly, the third type of slime making includes the following ingredients; glue, shaving foam, tooth paste, color, water and some beads for decoration!!!

The official game play with these ingredients include the process of making!! These includes adding all the slime making ingredients together and mixing them all together!!
Once the slime making mixture has been make the next is cutting shapes and then the process is followed by placing the slime on the surface!!

After it has been placed on the surface to give it different forms and shapes you will use a roller to flat it out and cut it in shapes using a cutter!! The best part is, you can make your own slime shapes as well!!!


Start game
Select scene
Select slime type
Using hand indicators mix all the ingredients; slime is made
Cut slime into shapes
Roll slime and give it new shapes with stencil
Make your own shape
Play with all types


Fun kids games
Hand indicators to help in playing
Educational and learning game
Different kinds of slime
Interactive game play

This game can be happily played by people of all ages!!

Make And Play Slime Game Fun APK Download from the File below (File Size: 4.4MB)

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